It is possible to obtain a visa on arrival, but you will need to be patient. Thanks to e-Visa, you can go through a special counter that will make you save a lot of timenot insignificant after several hours in the air.
Only the following entry points issue visas on arrival:
> Wattay / Vientiane International Airport
> Pakse / Champassak airport
> Louangprabang International Airport
> Bo Ten / Bo Hane border (China)
> Golden Triangle border (Thailand/Burma)
> Houay Xay / Chiengkhong border (Thailand)
> First Friendship Bridge (Thailand border)
> Thanaleng station (Thailand border)
> Thakhek / Nakornopanom border (Thailand)
> Densavanh / Lao Bao border (Vietnam)
> Second Friendship Bridge (Thailand)
> Vang Tao / Song Mek border (Thailand)
> Nong Nok Khiene / tra Preng Kriene (Cambodia)